Thursday 27 October 2016

Halloween nazar Darwish 3eme1

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On 31st October, the night before All Saints' Day, Americans, Scots and Irish people celebrate Halloween : they dress up as witches and ghosts, have parties, tell ghost stories and play games. Halloween is the second biggest celebration in America after Christmas.
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Every year Americans spend more than $2.5 billion on sweets, cards, costumes and decorations. More than 66 per cent of houses are decorated.
Afficher l'image d'origineHalloween was originally a Celtic festival called Samhain celebrating the New Year. Celts believed that the dead could come back to the world on that day. So people wore costumes like witches and ghosts.

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Today, Irish and Scottish kids dress up for Halloween, and they visit houses and sing a song or tell a joke. If they don't get sweets, they play a trick.

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