Monday 5 December 2016

Virtual Reality by Firas Zoabi

Virtual Reality is an amazing thing for those who like adventures and especially gamers . It let's you enter another world, the world of your choice. May it be a game or just a normal video on Youtube, you'll be inside it. For example, if you are playing a gun game like Call of Duty,if you turn your VR Headset on while playing and put it up on your head, you'll be moving freely inside it , and you'll be making the war with guns! To be able to enter Virtual Reality , you first will need a VR Headset.A Lot of Youtubers are using it now like PewDiPie or MrDalekJD on PS4.It is a really expensive object to buy , but you'll be having fun like no others.BUT, Everything has a good side, and a bad side.This object's Bad side is that if you are playing on the VR Headset , and someone comes and unplug it while you are still playing, the Headset will transmit electric waves directly to the brain waves, Wich Can Cause Death!!! An organisation called 'Oculus' ,  who is the one who created this invention,us trying to fix that bad side of it, and they announced a few months ago that it will most likely be fixed in 2018-2019.SO,Let's just be patient , and not do anything dangerous with this invention.
Some sentences took from:

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