Wednesday 7 December 2016

فينسنت وليم فان جوخ / أيمن صونجي / LV2

فينسنت وليم فان جوخ 

وراء الصور واللوحات دائماً توجد شخصية مبدعة للفنان  "فينسنت  فان جوخ " ،  وهو واحد من أكبر الفنانين البارزين في التاريخ، عاش تقلبات عديدة في حياته لتنتهي  بمصير مأساوي وهو في 37 من عمره .
. وخلال 10 سنوات قضاها في الرسم أنتج عدد كبير من اللوحات اشهرها : غرفة نوم، ليلة النجوم والمقهى الليلي
هنا بعض الحقائق عن  الفنان "فنسنت فان جوخ".


ولد" فنسنت فان جوخ " في  "غروت زندرت "، في هولندا في 30 مارس عام 1853. كان والده قس  كنيسة  هولندية،  وكان من المفترض أن يصبح في يوم من الايام قساُ في الكنيسة مثل والده .
سمي  "فنسنت" على اسم جده، وكان لديه شقيق أكبر منه يحمل نفس الاسم لكنه مات يوم مولده .

بدأ بالرسم وهو كبير في السن 

فان جوخ عندما رسم اول لوحة كان في 27 من عمره ، وكانت أول أعماله الناجحة هي لوحة آكلة البطاطا في عام 1885
وعرف "فان جوخ"  بلوحاته الذاتية حيث قام برسم نفسه أكثر من 20 مرة ليكتشف مهارات جديدة بين عامين 1886 و 1889
. كما أنه كان يرسم أغلب لوحاته بدون فرشاة حيث كان يقوم بنشر الطلاء من الانبوب مباشرة 

لوحته الاكثر شهرة قام بها وهو في مشفى للامراض العقلية

فنسنت فان جوخ قام برسم أكثر لوحاته شهرة  ليلة النجوم عندما كان يقيم في المستشفى النفسي  "سان ريمي" في فرنسا بسبب اضطراباته العصبية التي كان يعانيها، ووضع تحت عناية دكتور يدعى "ثيوفل ".
رسم هذه اللوحة للمنظر الذي تخيله خارج غرفته في المصح، وكتب لأخيه" ثيو" في ذلك الوقت الموت مثل رحلة إلى النجوم، أن تموت بسلام كأن تذهب إلى هناك سيراً على الاقدام" .
اللوحة موجودة الان في متحف نيويورك للفن الحديث.

بعد وفاته أصبحت لوحاته الاغلى في العالم والأكثر شهرة

هذه  اللوحة هي الاغلى من بين جميع أعماله و تبلغ قيمتها أكثر من 148 مليون دولار، قام برسمها عام 1890 وبيعت بهذا السعر في مايو عام  1990

أيمن صونجي 
Arabe / LV2 / 3e1

Tuesday 6 December 2016

"جبران خليل جبران" / نزار درويش

جبران خليل جبران

هو كاتب وأديب ورسّام وشاعر،  ولد في 6 كانون الثاني 1883 في بلدة بشري شمال لبنان وتوفي في نيويورك 10 نيسان 1931 بداء السل، وتعلم العربية والشعر والإنجيل والمطالعة على يد الكاهن الذي كان في قريته في ذاك الوقت، بسبب فقر عائلته وعدم قدرته على الذهاب للمدرسة لتلقي العلوم المختلفة فيها.هاجر وهو صغير مع أمه وإخوته إلى أمريكا عام 1895 الذي درس فيها الفن وبدأ مشواره الأدبي. اشتهر عند العالم الغربي بكتابه الذي تم نشره سنة 1923 وهو كتاب النبي .
في عمر الخامسة عشر، عاد جبران مع عائلته إلى بيروت ودرس في مدرسة إعدادية مارونية و في معهد تعليم عال يدعى "الحكمة".


باللغة العربية
  • دمعة وابتسامة
  • الأرواح المتمردة.
  • الأجنحة المتكسرة.
  • العواصف - رواية
  • البدائع والطرائف: مجموعة من مقالات وروايات تتحدث عن مواضيع عديدة لمخاطبة الطبيعة
  •  ومن مقالاته "الأرض". نشر في مصر عام 1923
  • عرائس المروج.
  • نبذة في فن الموسيقى.
  •  المواكب.

باللغة الإنجليزية
  • النبي مكون من 26 قصيدة شعرية وترجم إلى ما يزيد على 20 لغة.
  • المجنون.
  • رمل وزبد.
  • يسوع ابن الانسان.
  • حديقة النبي.
  • أرباب الأرض.

أقيم في بلدة بشري متحف جبران الذي هو متحف مخصص للتعريف بالفيلسوف والرسام والشاعر والكاتب اللبناني. تأسس عام 1935 ويحتوي على 440 لوحة ورسومات ومخطوطات أصلية له.

أوصى جبران أن تكتب هذه الجملة على قبره بعد وفاته:

أنا حي مثلك، وأنا واقف الآن إلى جانبك؛ فاغمض عينيك والتفت؛ تراني أمامك.

نزار درويش
Arabe / LV2 / 3e1

Monday 5 December 2016

Virtual Reality by Firas Zoabi

Virtual Reality is an amazing thing for those who like adventures and especially gamers . It let's you enter another world, the world of your choice. May it be a game or just a normal video on Youtube, you'll be inside it. For example, if you are playing a gun game like Call of Duty,if you turn your VR Headset on while playing and put it up on your head, you'll be moving freely inside it , and you'll be making the war with guns! To be able to enter Virtual Reality , you first will need a VR Headset.A Lot of Youtubers are using it now like PewDiPie or MrDalekJD on PS4.It is a really expensive object to buy , but you'll be having fun like no others.BUT, Everything has a good side, and a bad side.This object's Bad side is that if you are playing on the VR Headset , and someone comes and unplug it while you are still playing, the Headset will transmit electric waves directly to the brain waves, Wich Can Cause Death!!! An organisation called 'Oculus' ,  who is the one who created this invention,us trying to fix that bad side of it, and they announced a few months ago that it will most likely be fixed in 2018-2019.SO,Let's just be patient , and not do anything dangerous with this invention.
Some sentences took from:

Sunday 4 December 2016

"Zodiac Signs" by Ayman Sonji

Zodiac Signs

Image result for  12 zodiac signs

There are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has its own strengths and weaknesses, its own specific traits, desires and attitude towards life and people. By analyzing the projection of the position of planets, and the Sun and the Moon on the Ecliptic at the moment of birth. Astrology can give us a glimpse of a person's basic characteristics, preferences, flaws and fears.
Each of the 12 horoscope signs belongs to one of the four elements – Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These elements represent an essential type of energy that acts in each of us. Astrology aims to help us focus these energies on the positive aspects and to gain a better understanding of our potential and our positive traits and deal with negative ones.
These four elements help describe the unique personality types associated with astrological signs. The four zodiac elements exhibit profound influence on basic character traits, emotions, behavior and thinking.


Water signs are exceptionally emotional and ultra-sensitive. They are highly intuitive and they can be as mysterious as the ocean itself. Water signs love profound conversations and intimacy. They rarely do anything openly and are always there to support their loved ones. The Water Signs are: CancerScorpio and Pisces.


Fire signs tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. They get angry quickly, but they also forgive easily. They are adventurers with immense energy. They are physically very strong and are a source of inspiration for others. Fire signs are intelligent, self-aware, creative and idealistic people, always ready for action. The Fire Signs are: AriesLeo and Sagittarius.


Earth signs are “grounded” and the ones that bring us down to earth. They are mostly conservative and realistic, but they can also be very emotional. They are connected to our material reality and can be turned to material goods. They are practical, loyal and stable and they stick by their people through hard times. The Earth Signs are: TaurusVirgo and Capricorn.


Air signs are rational, social, and love communication and relationships with other people. They are thinkers, friendly, intellectual, communicative and analytical. They love philosophical discussions, social gatherings and good books. They enjoy giving advice, but they can also be very superficial. The Air Signs are: GeminiLibra and Aquarius.

Friday 2 December 2016

Horoscope: Virgo by Sara Fanous


-All dissatisfaction will be abolished today as you systematically confront and resolve all the little problems that have been bothering you. Your tolerance threshold is low to nonexistent. Give a wide berth to friends who have been irritating lately. Your wardrobe improves dramatically as you discard all those clothes that don't fit or no longer suit you.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Songs by Meena Badran

Songs are a great way to get entertained! Here are some of my favorite songs to listen to,anytime and anywhere:
-Send my love -Adele
-Sing me to sleep -Alan Walker
-All we know -The Chainsmokers
-Starboy -The Weeknd
-We don't talk anymore -Charlie Puth
-Closer -The Chainsmokers

Meena Badran

The Mathew hurricane by Mohamad Oueidat

The Mathew hurricane began the 28th of September and it stayed till the 10th of October 2016 .

First, it hit the daytona beach. There was a lot of wind and the water was very high.

At St Augustine, all the roads were flooded and people couldn’grt out of their houses.

At Melbourne, winds were so tough that it hit power lines burning houses. Accordingly, lots of people were left homeless.

The Mathew hurricane is the strongest hurricane since ten years and I hope it is the last killer hurricane.

                                                                                        Mohammad Oueidat

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Adolf Hitler by Mohamad Diab

Adolf Hitler, born in April 20 1889 was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He wasn't well at school, wished to become an artist but was rejected. That's why he became interested in politics and impressed with anti-Semitic. He volunteered to fight for the German Army during the First World War and won many wards for bravery. He was blinded in October 1918 in a gas attack and his country surrendered while he was in the hospital.
Before Hitler became chancellor, he was obsessed with ideas about race, he hated Jewish people and used to kill them and also  pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. Adolf Hitler won the World War II with Nazi Germany in 1945.

FIFA 17 by Mohamad Diab

FIFA 17 is a very popular video game in FIFA series, available on playstation, XBOX and computers. It has been released on 27 September 2016. FIFA game has been the most entertaining game since 2009, releasing one new game per year. It is a football video game, where you can play matches, create your own team and your own player and practice with it. Leonel Messi was FIFA's sponsor but this year they changed to Marco Reus, the German national team and Dortmund player.

Top 3 players ratings:
  1. Cristiano Ronaldo (94)
  2. Leonel Messi (93)
  3. Neymar (92)

USA elections by Mohamad Diab

Donald Trump, born in June 14 1946 (age 70) has been elected president for the United States on Tuesday November 8 2016, beating his rival Hilary Clinton, the other candidate. Candidates must earn at least 270 votes to win the elections. Trump is also a business man, he has amassed an impressive net worth of an estimated $3.9 billion. The Trump Organization acts as the primary holding for his companies (hotels, casinos...) and is his main source of wealth.

"RiceGum" by Ayman Sonji

Sports by Mohamad Diab

Have you ever thought why sports are very important ? Absolutely not, most of you think that practicing a sport is just for fun, but in reality it is not. There are many advantages of sports like:
  • It helps you to get healthy and fit
  • It improves your body
  • It takes away stress
  • Building team spirit
  • Building character values 
  • Feeling strong 

"Roman Atwood" by Ayman Sonji

Cristiano Ronaldo's donation by Mohamad Diab

Real Madrid's players observe a minute of silence.

The Portuguese and Real Madrid soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, has donated €3 million to Chapecoense, the Brazilian soccer club that had an accident due to a plane crash in Medellin, with 76 passengers including players and staff, 71 people died shoking the football community. Cristiano Ronaldo is also known as a big benefactor because of his donations for charities, children and people in need and dominated countries like Palestine.

Cristiano Ronaldo on twitter: Shocked by the tragedy that happened to @Chapecoense . Solidarity with the families and friends of all the victims. A hug for the club and for all Brazilian football.

Christmas by Nour Taha

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Christmas is a public holiday in many of the world's nations,its celebrated culturally by a large number of non Christians people 

Plane crash

A chartered plane with a brazilian football team crashed near Medellin while on its way to the finals of a regional tournament,killing 71 people and 6 people survived. Among the survivors was a defender named Alan Rushel, who two doctors said suffured spinal injuries. Two goalkeepers , Marcos Danilo and Jackson Follmann as well as a member of the team survived the crash however Danilo died a short time later. Alfredo Bocanegra the head of the Colombia's avistion authority,said that the aircraft was suffering electrical problems although investigations were also looking into an account from one of the survivors that the plane har run out of fuel about 5 minutes from  its expected landing at Jose Maria Cordova airport outside Medellin.

The UNHCR by Nour Taha

There are thousands of charities and non profit organisations in Lebanon that help those in need. The UNHCR is one of the most important organisations in Lebanon. It has been created in 1950 after the second world war. UNHCR stands for "United Nations  High Commissioner for Refuguees.

صباح / عمر بيزيد / LV2


Image result for ‫صباح‬‎
(10 نوفمبر 1927 - 26 نوفمبر 2014)

  •  مغنية وممثلة لبنانية .
  •  اسمها الأصلي هو " جانيت جرجس فغالي". شاركت في الكثير من المهرجانات : بعلبك، جبيل، بيت الدين.

  • المسرحيات التي شاركت فيها :

  1.  موسم العز، من أعمال الرحابنة .                                       
  2. دواليب الهوا، من أعمال الرحابنة .
  3. القلعة، من أعمال الرحابنة .                                                       
  4. الشلال، من أعمال الرحابنة .                                                               
  5. ست الكل، من أعمال زوجها الفنان وسيم طبارة .
  6. حلوة كثير، من أعمال زوجها الفنان وسيم طبارة .

  • اشتهرت بكثرة زيجاتها، إذ وصل عدد أزواجها إلى تسعة.
  •  شاركت في السينما المصرية، ولها عدد كبير من الأفلام التي تعتبر هي إحدى نجماتها، ذلك بالإضافة لعدد كبير من الأغاني .ولها 83 فيلم بين مصري ولبناني، و27 مسرحية لبنانية، ومايزيد عن 3000 أغنية بين مصري ولبناني

عمر بيزيد
Arabe / 3e1/ LV2 

نادين لبكي / أحمد محيو / LV2

نادين لبكي

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "‫نادين لبكي‬‎" 

  •  اسمها نادين لبكي، ممثلة لبنانية
  •  ­أبوها "أنطوان لبكي" و أمها "أنطوانيت لبكي".
  •  ولدت في ١٨ شباط ١٩٧٤ في بيروت.                           
  •  أحدثت موجة جديدة في مجال إخراج الفيديو كليب .                       
  • متزوجة الآن من "خالد مزنر" مؤلف موسيقى فيلم "سكر بنات" الذي حقّق   نجاحًا باهرًا لم يسبق له مثيل في السينما اللبنانية ، وحصد الكثير من الجوائز، وشارك في مهرجان "كان" الفرنسي الضخم عام 2007 قبل أن يُوَزَّع على عشرات البلدان في أوروبا وكافّة أنحاء العالم. يعتبر فيلم "سكر بنات" أول فيلم سينمائي طويل لها بعد إخراجها للعديد من الافلام الصغيرة.

أحمد محيو
3e1 / LV2

Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Little Drummer Boy by Rachel HAMMOUD

Dear friends, Christmas is coming soon!!!
And in this occasion, I invite you to listen to this beautiful, magical and fantastic Christmas Spirit Song.     Believe me, you will really like it!
The Little Drummer Boy

Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum
A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum

So to honour Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
When we come.

Pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum ahh

Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give a King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum,
On my drum?

Pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum ahh

Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum pum pa rum pum pum
pum pum pum ahh

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum.

Hope you liked it! 😊
And if you wanna listen to the song :

What is Thanksgiving Day by Rachel HAMMOUD

What is Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada, in the United States, in some of the Caribbean islands and in Liberia. It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.
In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn't until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.
                               So that's how this special and beautiful day was born. 
