Monday 28 November 2016

Majida el Roumi byTina Saade

ماجدة الرومي

Image result for majida el roumi
اسمها ‘’ماجدة حليم الرومي ‘’، مغنيّة لبنانية. هي ابنة الموسيقار اللبناني ‘’حليم الرومي ‘’ والدتها ‘’ماري الرومي. ‘’
ولدت ‘’ماجدة الرومي ‘’ في 13 كانون الأول 1956 في كفرشيما في لبنان.
تأثرت ماجدة الرومي منذ الطفولة بكبار الموسقيين العرب مثل ‘’محمد عبد الوهاب  ‘’و ‘’أم كلثوم ‘’ و’’عبد الحليم حافظ ‘’.
اكتشف صوتها والدها ‘’حليم الرومي ‘’.
بدأت عملها الفني في عام 1975 بعد أن أذهلت لجنة التحكيم بأدائها المتميز لأغنية المطربة ليلى مراد "أنا قلبي دليلي"  في برنامج استديو الفن في عام 1974.
قدمت في سنة 1975 أغنيتها الأولى " عم بحلمك يا حلم يا لبنان ".
تزوجت ‘’ماجدة الرومي ‘’ بالمهندس ‘’انطوان الدفوني ‘’ في عام 1977 رغم عدم موافقة والدها. غير أنهما تطلقا بعد 26 سنة من الزواج في 2003.
أول أسطوانة لها تضمنت أغاني بقيت معروفة و محبوبة حتى اليوم: يا نبع المحبّة، ما حدا بيعبي مطرحك بقلبي ، عم يسألوني عليك الناس ، كلّ شيء عم يخلص.

تينا سعادة
3e1 /LV2        

Every good thing has its end by Ahmad Mehio

Last month, I went to a big river in the north of Lebanon. We spent like 3 hours on the road to get right there + 1 hour walking through the mountains. As soon as we arrived at the edge of the river, the road was not finished, we needed to get our clothes & food to the next side of the river with mini-boats. We had a lot of fun me, my brothers & my friends of France who were there for the vacations. The water was very very cold like ice but when you move into the water you don't feel it. But like always, every good thing has its end & we followed the same steps for the road to the house.                                

                                                                        The end ...

The mobile phone by Suma El Baba

The mobile phone is a huge invetion that was invented in the 19s. It first started as a very small phone used only for calls. And then many people started creating some new phones like the iphones, samsung phones and many more. The mobile phone has some postive things and some negative ones as well. For starters the mobile phone is mostly used to communicate between friends and family that are far from each other. In the old times, people used to write letters that took ages to arrive to the person we're writing to. But the mobile phone is also a distracting machine beacuse people are starting to waste a lot of time on the phone instead of doing their work. So at the end the mobile phone is a really big invention that made a lot of people closer even when they're miles apart but it has distracted a lot of people as well. 

Wedding invitation By Salah Sabeh

Last week, my family was invited to a wedding at Lancaster Hotel-Beyrouth. We reached the hotel at 8 pm and the wedding started at 8 h30 pm. The wedding was a great occasion for me to meet our family members whish is necessary for social meetings. Every guy works a lot to reach this point and make a family. The music  and the presentation were good.

My trip to turkey by suma al baba

Last month, my mom, dad and I travelled to Trabzun in Turkey. It's a large city but a little smaller than istanbul. We visited a lot of beautiful sights like the lake of Uzüngol where we stayed in a hotel next to the lake with a breathtaking view. We ate a lot of delicious food and we drank a lot of tea. We spent some unforgettable memories there and it was a trip of a lifetime. After trabzun we went to Istanbul and visited a lot of malls and went mostly shopping. We had a lot of fun and i hope we go again. 

Halloween by Suma Al Baba

Halloween is celebrated all around the world on the 31st of October. It's a religious celebration that includes many activities like trick or treating, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, carving pumpkins into jack o' lanterns, telling scary stories in the dark and watching horror movies. People love to disguise in Halloween, it's a tradition. 

My trip to Indonesia by Suma Al Baba

Last year, I travelled to Indonesia with my parents and we stayed there for a week. There, we went to a safari park where we saw a lot of animals we never saw before, like  kangaroos, giraffes, rhinoceros and hippopotamus. We took a lot of beautiful pictures and we enjoyed our time. We also attended a cowboy show that was amazing. I really hope to go again because i really loved it there.

Barbecue in the Forest By Salah Sabeh

Last Monday, we have gathered my friends and I and we decided to make a barbecue in the Forest 40 kms from Beyrouth. We took with us our barbecue tools along with the meat, chiken, vegetables,fruits and soft drinks. It was a nice experience where everyone was participating in the preparation of food.

The syrian crisis by Ghiwa El Kaissi

 The Syrian crisis 

   The civil war in Syria caused terror to the people. It has made people homeless. Rentless bombardments happen in that city everyday that cause many deaths. Innocent young children became orphins and lost their childhood because of that crisis.
   Lately, Omran, a 5 year old syrian boy, gained international media attention. He was filmed in Aleppo after being pulled out from under the rubble of his house that got damaged. We can see in the video that when the child was seated in the ambulance, he was dazed. He swept the blood off his head on the chair like it wasn’t important.  His photo went viral. He became a symbol of the suffering endured by civilians in a brutal civil war.
   A 6 year old boy from The US named Alex sent Barack Obama, the president of The United States, a letter. It said if the president could bring the syrian boy to Alex’s home where he will share his belongings with him and give him a family. It affected a lot of people including Obama that a young boy can be so full of humanity and kindness. Alex wanted to help Omran despite their differences.
  “The humanity that a young child can display, who hasn’t learned to be cynical, or suspicious, or fearful of other people because of where they’re from or how they look or how they pray. We can all learn from Alex”-President Obama.
   I chose this subject because it struck me. I think it isn’t fair that a child such as Omran have to go through the brutality of the war, how his childhood revolves around violence and escaping death instead of playing. I love that it moved Alex too, a boy who has everything. He is appreciating what he has and willing to share it with others which is rare these days.

women's rigts by Tarek Otari

in our days, there are still lots of countries where men are considered more important than women. I think this is very wrong. because all the people and genders are equal and are human. so there's no need to give some people theyre rights and don't give them to others. I think that women are as important as men, and maybe even more important, and all women should get theyre rights, without anyone of them missing. some people think that men are more important than women, and I think that they should keep this idea out of theyre heads because it's really wrong and racist. So all women should get theyre rights, and men shouldn't dominate. We are all equal.

Drifting in Lebanon

This sunday, we agreed my friend and my brother to go and watch cars drifting at Monteverde area at 8 am in the morning. On our way there, we stoped at a Bakery and took Breakfast. When we arrived there, we found a lot of racing cars who where preparing their vehicles to start the competition. We stayed there for five ours. We enjoyed our day but the weather was cold and we felt like trembling.

elections in lebanon by Tarek Otari

this year, after two and a half years without presidency, we finally have a president: general 3on. a lot of people like him, even though he is very old. I like him too. because I think he can change a lot of bad things in Lebanon, and can maybe fix it. with a president in place, Lebanon may be back on track, after a lot of time without a president. So we all hope that the new president can fix Lebanon and make new and respected rules, like not using your mobile phone while driving, wich is not respected at all.

elections in the USA by Tarek Otari

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are 2 competitors at the US elections. Trump eventually won, and it made a lot of people really angry and mad, because they thought that trump is racist, abused a lot of people, and doesn't respect other people and they're opinions. he is not letting some religions to enter the US. that's why a lot of people hate him, and don't want him as a president for the united states.

lebanon's garbage crisis by Tarek Otari

this year, in Lebanon, garbage spread out on all the streets of Lebanon. wherever we would walk, we would see garbage on the has many disadvantages, some of them are: runners can't run anymore because of the smell and bacterias; a lot of insects started to show up in our houses because of this garbage; and lots of people got sick due to the bacterias and sick students couldn't go to school because they were severly sick

My Trip to Dubai

Last summer, I went with my Family to Dubai to spend our vacation there. When we arrived at Dubai airport, a car was waiting for us outside to drop us at our Hotel where we maid previous reservation. We have arranged for many activities throught the Hotel tourist office. One of these activities was Atlantes Hotel where we spent all day swimming and enjoying water park activities.

my trip to Turkey by Tarek Otari

last summer I went to antalya,, Turkey with my family and some friends. we stayed in a very big and beautiful resort. the resort was full of activities like basketball, football, there was a gym, and lots of slides. I tried a crazy slide called "kamikazi" wich means suicidal, or insane. we went shopping in a mall located in the resort too. I really enjoyed this trip, and I would like to go there a second time.

8 school life hacks by Firas Salem

Friday's cyberattack by Firas Salem

5 Halloween myths by Firas Salem

Apple's 300$ book by Firas Salem

Rio police helicopter crash by Firas Salem

Indian train derailment by Firas Salem

Sunday 27 November 2016

pollutin by yasmina naja 3eme1


Recycling is a process for the treatment of metals, plastics, waste (industrial waste or household refuse), which makes it possible to reintroduce, in the production cycle of a product, materials that made up a similar product at the end of its life, or Manufacturing residues.

Recycling has two major ecological consequences:

·       Reducing the volume of waste, and therefore the pollution it would cause (some materials take decades or even centuries to degrade);

·       The preservation of natural resources, since the recycled material is used instead of the one that should have been extracted.

The three main principles of recycling:

1. Reduce:  groups actions at the production level to reduce the tonnages of objects likely to end up in waste;

2. Reuse: regroups actions to reuse a used product to give it a second life, for an identical or different use;

3. Recycle: refers to all waste collection and treatment operations used to reintroduce the materials that constituted the waste into a manufacturing cycle.

the eiffel tower by yasmina naja 3eme1

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was built in Paris for the Universal Exhibition of Paris. The tower project was organized as part of the celebration of the centenary of the French Revolution.

 It was built by Gustave EIFFEL an engineer, a French industrialist, notably involved in the construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New York. Gustave Eiffel was born in a modest environment.

The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of French development .The height of this tower is 324 m with antennas it weight 10 000 tons. The Eiffel Tower has 3 platforms, to reach the 3rd floor it was necessary to climb 1665 steps. Today, only the first two platforms are accessible by the stairs. If you wish to access the top floor, you will have to take the elevator.

Destined to last only 20 years, it was saved by the scientific experiments and in particularly the first X-ray transmissions, then telecommunications:

Radio signals from the Tower to the Pantheon in 1898, military radio in 1903, first public radio broadcast in 1925, and more recently television.

my trip to marmaris by yasmina naja

Travel diary: Marmaris, Turquie


Last summer I traveled with my family to the beautiful city of Marmaris in Turquie.

We went to the hotel “Green nature diamond”.

The city of Marmari is located near the Mediterranean Sea. The seashore is very clean, the water is crystal clear and the city is beautiful. Marmris is a very touristique place but only during the summer time, in the water and fall it’s like a ghost town.
                            Picture of the city of Marmaris taken by me.
We did many activities like a boat trip, a jeep safari it was a once in a life time experience that I will never forget and I hope on going back to this paradise one day.

                               The cave of wishes (taken by my mom J):
You throw a coin in the water near the cave and make a wish and the wish is supposed to become reality.
Thank you for reading J


malala yousafzai by yasmina naja

Malala Yousafzai

An inspiring story

I read previously a story that really inspired me, the story of Malala, and I would like to share my experience with all of you.

Malala is a female activist for women right and education that comes from Pakistan. She is the youngest ever winner of a Nobel price.

She used to go to school when she was young but the Taliban attacked

Her village in the swat valley and they banned girls from going to school.

She started an anonymous blog about her life under the oppression of the Taliban and appeared many time on TV and in interviews.

In the afternoon of 9 October 2012 she was the victim of an attack and a Taliban shoot her in the face. She was transferred to the queen Elizabeth hospital where she was saved.

She later wrote a book where she tells her story:

She won many prices:
The Nobel prize
The Humanitarian of the year award
The peace prize

And she was on the cover of the Time magazine as one the 100 most influential people

pollution of the lebanese littoral by yasmina naja

Pollution of the Lebanese littoral 

Marine biodiversity is seriously endangered by pollution of the sea.

In Beirut, people fish on the edge of the Cornish, in very dirty water. The question is why do fishermen fish in polluted waters?

The answer to this question is that some poor fisherman’s do not have enough money to pay for a boat and support their families. They are obliged to fish in the dirty waters of the sewers.

Fish caught on the shore are prohibited from being sold by law, so fishermen do not even have the right to fish on the coast because of pollution, but these fishermen continue to fish to feed their families.

If you visit EIN EL MRAYSE, a popular Cornish promenade in Beirut you will smell a really unpleasing odor, it’s the sewers that exit directly in the Mediterranean Sea. And what is even worse is that fisherman fish directly in the very polluted and disgusting water of the sewer.

That’s why we should be careful about the fish that we eat, and to always make sure to know from where the fish came from.

Saturday 26 November 2016

"House on Mars" by Ayman Sonji

House on Mars

National Geographic, Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomers, and Stephen Petranek, the author of “How We’ll Live on Mars”, created a model of what could once be a Martian house. People built it at the Royal Observatory Greenwich in London. The house is designed to be situated in Valles Marineris, a system of canyons that runs along the equator of Mars, and the house will make oxygen and supply its own water by sucking in the Martian atmosphere, which is about 100% humid on most nights.
People on Mars will also have 3D printers, which will make almost everything that they would need, from wrenches to plates and toothbrushes. This all may sound like science fiction, but according to Elon Musk, a million people could be living on Mars by the mid-2060s.

 This article was inspired by

Monday 21 November 2016


What is charity ?

Charity is an act of goodness made by some good people . it basically support some causes that can vary and are almost countless . 
Charity act raises money and help those who are in need . some causes are supported without any efforts done while some people tend to do crazy and weird stuff to get others attracted to their cause . 

Weird charity campaigns: 

Here can be a bit of backlash when it comes to some artists’ music becoming popular. To say that this was the case with Justin Bieber's  "Baby” would be an understatement. The students at Evanston Township High School in Illinois had a very interesting way of conducting their charity drive. When they had to raise money for their arts center, they subjected their fellow students to Bieber’s “Baby.” They played it constantly, over and over and over again through the PA system. They made other students at the school pay to stop the song from playing. The students trying to raise the money were given one week to pull off the charity stunt and raise their goal of $1,000. Good news for them, it only took 3 days and students surpassed the $1,000 to put an end to the audio trauma they endured. Apparently, Bieber’s singing was just the motivation they needed to raise money.

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History of Voting in America

voting in America is not just about laws and protests . it's a result of a lot of women's suffrage movement, constitutional amendments that grant people the right to vote , the civil rights era and much more . 

How Technology Has Changed Voting and Elections

Over the years, the methods used to votes changed a lot . From the wooden ballot box, to the curtained-off voting machine, to the modern touch-screen, advances in technology have played a big role in voting in the USA . And since states run elections, procedures vary from place to place.

Americans’ Voting Habits
Demographics play a huge part in how America votes. The U.S. Census Bureau collects and releases information on who votes in congressional and presidential elections . 
first of all, The US is a federal republic with elected officials at the federal (national), state and local levels. On a national level, the boss or head of state, called the President , is elected indirectly by the peoples of each state, through an Electoral college . then, the candidate with the highest poll wins the election. Some may use a a two-round system, where if no candidate receives a required number of votes then there is a runoff between the two candidates with the most votes.
so the elections are of the indirect type. 
The President and the Vice President are elected together in a Presidential election, with the winner being determined by votes cast by electors of the electoral college. as mentioned before. 
In modern times, voters in each state select a slate of electors from a list of several slates designated by different parties or candidates, and the electors typically promise in advance to vote for the candidates of their party (whose names of the presidential candidates usually appear on the ballot rather than those of the individual electors). The winner of the election is the candidate with at least 270 Electoral College votes.
Nowadays , in the 2016 elections, Donald trump won over his candidate Hillary Clinton


what is Halloween ?

The word Halloween is derived from the term, "All Hallows Eve," which occurred on Oct. 31. "All Saints Day" or "All Hallows Day" was the next Day, Nov. 1st. Therefore, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.
Halloween is celebrated by millions of people in multiple countries.  For most, it is a fun time for kids who put on costumes and going door-to-door to get candy. But it is also known as a time of witches, ghouls, goblins, and ghosts. On one hand, some Christians see Halloween as a harmless time of fun and on the other, a ghastly and demonically inspired night that should be avoided.

trick and treat

Trick-or-treating is a Halloween custom for children in many countries. Children in costumes travel from house to house asking for treats such as candy (or, in some cultures, money) with the phrase "Trick or treat".

games and traditions of Halloween

Traditional Halloween games are enjoyed by people just for the sake of celebrating the old Celtic times. They have been around for so long that they bring back nostalgic memories of past Halloweens as well.
kids tend to wear scary and funny costumes and go from home to home to hunt for candies and treats.
they also play some other fun games like :
snap Apple , where apples are held by a rope and the kids needs to eat it without touching the apple and many other games


Halloween costumes are costumes worn on or around Halloween, a festival which falls on October 31.
The wearing of costumes at Halloween may come from the belief that supernatural beings, or the souls of the dead, roamed the earth at this time.
people , adults and kids, tend to wear funny and scary clothes like a skull figure or ghost or angel or devil and many other costumes .

NEWS by Amjad NASSER 3e1

   On September 11, 2001, an extremist group hijacked civil planes to carry out suicide attacks against targets in the USA . 
Two planes flew crazily into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City , resulting massive destructions and human losses , leading to what we know nowadays as 9/11. 
over 3000 innocent civilian person were killed during the attacks including police men and fire fighters . 

 On a clear morning at Tuesday September 11, and at the beginning of the peak of work and offices opening, an airplane loading more than 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. 
the hit created a gap  near the 80th floor and killed many people instantly and left others trapped in the higher floors, waiting their turn as well to pass away . 
live cameras and televisions broadcasted the catastrophic incident immediately . 
within few minutes, and while the evacuation was still taking place in the first tower , a second plane hit the other tower at near the 60th floor leaving a massive other destruction that affected the streets and building located nearby. 
the civilian jets were used as guided missiles and killed innocent people who there only worry was how to get checks and feed their families. 
Two hours later almost , the tower collapsed due to the tremendous heat . 

  More than 15 years passed since the tragedy happened . Over than 3,000 people died and more than 10,000 were treated for their injuries . 
The real intended target isn't known till today and many claims that it was an inside job , but what all Americans do agree about is commemorating this sad event every year . 


  Hello, my name is Amjad Nasser . 
I'm 14 years old, I'm a student in lycée Abdel Kader and I am in class 3ème (1) . 
I study and do my homework during the week p but at weekends I go out with my friends . 
I have lots of hobbies and interests that I share with my classmates . I love to play basket ball, football, listen to music and watch movies .  
  I usually go to movies with my friends after school and we watch the latest movies launched in cinemas . 
the most beautiful movie I watched was "the hobbit ",  I bought it tickets when I was exchanging gifts with my friend Salah and we went together to cinema to watch it ! 
it was a brilliant movie , it talked basically about the battle of five armies.
there was a man who saved his village from an evil dragon and later on he became a good leader of his people. 
the "hobbit" , a very important character was under the power of an evil man who made an army to invade the 'lonely mountain' and get the magical stone ,  came and gave the magical stone to the hero of the village without that the evil leader knows . 
the evil leader wanted to take revenge from the one who stole the stone , a big war happened and five armies get involved till in the end the good army won over the rest . the hobbit is safe and sound in the end of the movie and rests in his house after many many years to tell his story to those he knows . 

Scary experience by Mira Dimachkieh

Two years ago,me and my family went on a trip to Turkey.
On the first day, my dad decided that we should go to the Sultan Ahmed Mosque also called the Blue Mosque using the tramway. A new mode of transport that i didn't try before...
At the the end of the day we were going back to the hotel also by tramway but I little did I know that it would be that scary...
My dad passed the card in the paying machine for everyone of us.Then we took place on a bench waiting for the train to arrive.Nearly a minute passed and a train loaded with passengers arrived.My siblings and I ruched to the train doors trying to get in . My dad said that we'll take another train , but the problem was that I didn't hear him!
The train doors closed and I was locked in. Terrified, I tried to open them but they would not budge!
People didn't care about me crying and screaming ...
I got off on the first stop and started running trying to reach the place where I last saw my family. When I got there I didn't find any of my family members . I was really scared and no one seemed to care about me. All I could see was unfamiliar faces giving me weird looks. I phoned my parents and tried to give them my location by reading what was written on the sign that I was standing next to.
After 15 minutes I saw my dad looking for me so I ran to him as quickly as possible and gave him a big hug.
That day I thought that I would never see my family again or even comeback to Lebanon.Thank God all of this is over and that I am home now.I hope that no one falls in this experience and wish it would not happen to me again.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Samsung has confirmed that it is permanently stopping production of the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after it was involved in dozens of fires and explosions worldwide.
In a regulatory filing in South Korea late on Tuesday, the firm said it had made the decision to stop production, for the sake of consumer safety.
A day earlier Samsung said it was “adjusting production”, an admission that many saw as the first steps towards killing the phone entirely.
It said in a statement: “Putting consumer safety as the top priority, we have reached a final decision to halt production of Galaxy Note 7s.” A spokesperson confirmed that the suspension was “permanent”.
The move comes after the flagship smartphone, which the company hoped would put it give it an advantage over iPhone-maker Apple, was plagued by batteries catching fire and exploding. Attempts to rectify the problem by recalling a replacing faulty batches were undermined when replacement phones also started malfunctioning.


Halloween is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.

All activities in Halloween :
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related guising), attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories and watching horror films. In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popular


Apple's 300$ book by Firas Salem

This article was inspired by

Police helicopter crash in Rio by Firas Salem

This article was inspired by

Sunday 6 November 2016


Halloween is an old Celtic holiday coming from the Celts of Ireland. It is a holiday where people and especially children wear scary masks and costumes. Children go from house to house to “trick and treat”: People at the door should give them candies and sweets or they will be tricked. People also carve pumpkins and decorate their houses with ghosts, vampires and spider webs. Halloween is celebrated every year on the last day of October.



Saturday 5 November 2016

Happy Halloween by Yasmine El Soufi.

  1. When is it Celebrated?                               
  2. Where does the Halloween come from?
  3. What does Halloween really mean? 
Halloween is celebrated on the evening of October 31st, which is the evening before the Christian feast of All Saint’s Day. 
Image result for halloween
Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. It is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. Image result for halloween costumes

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st