Monday 21 November 2016


What is charity ?

Charity is an act of goodness made by some good people . it basically support some causes that can vary and are almost countless . 
Charity act raises money and help those who are in need . some causes are supported without any efforts done while some people tend to do crazy and weird stuff to get others attracted to their cause . 

Weird charity campaigns: 

Here can be a bit of backlash when it comes to some artists’ music becoming popular. To say that this was the case with Justin Bieber's  "Baby” would be an understatement. The students at Evanston Township High School in Illinois had a very interesting way of conducting their charity drive. When they had to raise money for their arts center, they subjected their fellow students to Bieber’s “Baby.” They played it constantly, over and over and over again through the PA system. They made other students at the school pay to stop the song from playing. The students trying to raise the money were given one week to pull off the charity stunt and raise their goal of $1,000. Good news for them, it only took 3 days and students surpassed the $1,000 to put an end to the audio trauma they endured. Apparently, Bieber’s singing was just the motivation they needed to raise money.

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