Monday 28 November 2016

The mobile phone by Suma El Baba

The mobile phone is a huge invetion that was invented in the 19s. It first started as a very small phone used only for calls. And then many people started creating some new phones like the iphones, samsung phones and many more. The mobile phone has some postive things and some negative ones as well. For starters the mobile phone is mostly used to communicate between friends and family that are far from each other. In the old times, people used to write letters that took ages to arrive to the person we're writing to. But the mobile phone is also a distracting machine beacuse people are starting to waste a lot of time on the phone instead of doing their work. So at the end the mobile phone is a really big invention that made a lot of people closer even when they're miles apart but it has distracted a lot of people as well. 

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