Sunday 27 November 2016

pollutin by yasmina naja 3eme1


Recycling is a process for the treatment of metals, plastics, waste (industrial waste or household refuse), which makes it possible to reintroduce, in the production cycle of a product, materials that made up a similar product at the end of its life, or Manufacturing residues.

Recycling has two major ecological consequences:

·       Reducing the volume of waste, and therefore the pollution it would cause (some materials take decades or even centuries to degrade);

·       The preservation of natural resources, since the recycled material is used instead of the one that should have been extracted.

The three main principles of recycling:

1. Reduce:  groups actions at the production level to reduce the tonnages of objects likely to end up in waste;

2. Reuse: regroups actions to reuse a used product to give it a second life, for an identical or different use;

3. Recycle: refers to all waste collection and treatment operations used to reintroduce the materials that constituted the waste into a manufacturing cycle.

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