Monday 21 November 2016

Scary experience by Mira Dimachkieh

Two years ago,me and my family went on a trip to Turkey.
On the first day, my dad decided that we should go to the Sultan Ahmed Mosque also called the Blue Mosque using the tramway. A new mode of transport that i didn't try before...
At the the end of the day we were going back to the hotel also by tramway but I little did I know that it would be that scary...
My dad passed the card in the paying machine for everyone of us.Then we took place on a bench waiting for the train to arrive.Nearly a minute passed and a train loaded with passengers arrived.My siblings and I ruched to the train doors trying to get in . My dad said that we'll take another train , but the problem was that I didn't hear him!
The train doors closed and I was locked in. Terrified, I tried to open them but they would not budge!
People didn't care about me crying and screaming ...
I got off on the first stop and started running trying to reach the place where I last saw my family. When I got there I didn't find any of my family members . I was really scared and no one seemed to care about me. All I could see was unfamiliar faces giving me weird looks. I phoned my parents and tried to give them my location by reading what was written on the sign that I was standing next to.
After 15 minutes I saw my dad looking for me so I ran to him as quickly as possible and gave him a big hug.
That day I thought that I would never see my family again or even comeback to Lebanon.Thank God all of this is over and that I am home now.I hope that no one falls in this experience and wish it would not happen to me again.

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