Monday 21 November 2016


History of Voting in America

voting in America is not just about laws and protests . it's a result of a lot of women's suffrage movement, constitutional amendments that grant people the right to vote , the civil rights era and much more . 

How Technology Has Changed Voting and Elections

Over the years, the methods used to votes changed a lot . From the wooden ballot box, to the curtained-off voting machine, to the modern touch-screen, advances in technology have played a big role in voting in the USA . And since states run elections, procedures vary from place to place.

Americans’ Voting Habits
Demographics play a huge part in how America votes. The U.S. Census Bureau collects and releases information on who votes in congressional and presidential elections . 
first of all, The US is a federal republic with elected officials at the federal (national), state and local levels. On a national level, the boss or head of state, called the President , is elected indirectly by the peoples of each state, through an Electoral college . then, the candidate with the highest poll wins the election. Some may use a a two-round system, where if no candidate receives a required number of votes then there is a runoff between the two candidates with the most votes.
so the elections are of the indirect type. 
The President and the Vice President are elected together in a Presidential election, with the winner being determined by votes cast by electors of the electoral college. as mentioned before. 
In modern times, voters in each state select a slate of electors from a list of several slates designated by different parties or candidates, and the electors typically promise in advance to vote for the candidates of their party (whose names of the presidential candidates usually appear on the ballot rather than those of the individual electors). The winner of the election is the candidate with at least 270 Electoral College votes.
Nowadays , in the 2016 elections, Donald trump won over his candidate Hillary Clinton

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