Monday 28 November 2016

Facts about the human brain by Zein Adada

12 things you didn't khow about your brain:

1-The human brain is about 78% water.
2-During sleep,your brain makes memories .
3- Your brain wiring determines whether you are a "morning person" or an "evening person".
4- Your brain weights about 1.36 kg.
5- A dreaming brain is just as active as a awake brain.
6- The reason why we dream is still a scientific mystery.
7- Your brain uses at least 20 percent of the oxygen in your whole body.
8- There are no pain receptors in your brain, so you can’t actually “feel” pain.
9- Human brain development does not finish until around age 25
10- Most right-handed people process language on the left side of their brains, but left-handed people sometimes show activation on both sides.
11- Your brain generates enough electricity to power a 25 watt light bulb.
12- You can’t tickle yourself because your cerebellum prevents you from doing so.
brain wireing : The way your brain is constructed.
cerebellum : A part of the human brain.

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