Monday 28 November 2016

A trip to remember by Rachel HAMMOUD

A trip to remember!

A year ago, I traveled to Turkey with my sisters and my grandmother and we stayed there for one week. We visited a lot of beautiful places, as The Blue Mosque in Sultan Ahmet, Aya Sofia, The Sea Life Aquarium, Estiklal Street in Taksim square, Topkapi Palace, Yaldiz Palace, The Bosphorus Bridge in Ortakoy, Jawaher mall and The Princesses Island. But the most amazing monument was Dolmabahche Palace. It is located in Istanbul and it’s owned by the Turkish State. On the third day of our trip, we went to Dolmabahche. The weather was very nice.
Dolmabahche is a breathtaking place! The Palace was surrounded by extensive gardens with lots of beautiful flowers and trees. At the entrance of the palace, there was a giant chandelier that was made from precious crystal. All the palace rooms were decorated with candles and expensive furniture, and there was a lot of paintings on the walls. We continued our tour in the palace and we arrived in an enormous and wonderful room: It was the ceremonies room! The columns were all made from solid gold and marble, the sofas were made from red velvet, the curtains were made from silk, the magnificent ceiling was made from precious stones and it was decorated with lots of amazing drawings! The whole room was shining like the stars in the sky! All the tourists were speechless! The Palace was like a majestic paradise! I will let you discover the rest by yourself through the pictures:Image result for dolmabahce palace 

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