Monday 28 November 2016

Samsung note 7 by Tina Saade

Galaxy Note 7 recall
We're well over a month into the saga of the Galaxy Note 7 recall, and events have taken many different twists and turns since the beginning of September. The crux of the situation is that Samsung faced a serious issue with Galaxy Note 7 phones that have a high propensity of batteries failing, leading to personal and property damage. In the original, pre-recall Note 7, hundreds of phones worldwide have had critical failures.
The phone was recalled officially in the U.S. once, and Samsung launched exchange programs in other countries. But the new models continued to see further issues, with replacement catching on fire in early October. This led to Samsung telling Note 7 owners to stop using the phones and return them, before permanently discontinuing the Note 7. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. CPSC officially issued a second recall.
Image result for samsung note 7 recall
Tina Saade-3e1

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